Sunday, April 19, 2015

Bandit Takes a Bath

The blog has become my day-to-day gallery of sorts.
Please see for my portrait business.
Thanks for visiting!!
Bandit hates taking a bath. I can't say I blame him; he doesn't look his best in the water. He spends the entire time either trying to escape or giving me a "how could you?" face. Sometimes he stares bug-eyed at nothing in particular as though he really is dying and the long tunnel of light is before him next to our toilet.
Anyway, as I was bathing him today I realized that in 11 years of owning Bandit I've never photographed bathtime. Enjoy.
To clarify, this is the "how could you?" look

and this is the traumatized beyond words, bug-eyed, "I see a light!" look.

One of many escape attempts.
(During this photoshoot he actually jumped out of the tub four times. I had a lot of water to mop up.)

His bat ears look so big with all his fur wet down, haha!

All done!

He's a much happier doggy when it's over.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Arizona 2015

The blog has become my day-to-day gallery of sorts.
Please see for my portrait business.
Thanks for visiting!!
I love this state. I was so excited for the opportunity to spend time here again. I laughed the first time someone said "It gets up to 120 degrees in the summer, but it's a dry heat."
Honestly, it makes a difference. Sure it's hot enough you could probably fry an egg on your driveway, but it's not an oppressive heat. I could easily see myself living there.
Me with my grandparents at Mi Amigo's
 I spent some time getting up close with the local flora near my grandparents' place:

I found this cute bug, too!
 I could spend all day chasing these Gambol's Quail around.
They are so darn cute!

We took a boat cruise across Saguaro Lake on the Desert Belle.
This was very fun and a great way to experience the scenery.
 I was able to capture some spectacular landscapes:

 The mountains in the background are called Four Peaks, the tallest points in Maricopa County.

Great Blue Heron in flight
 This is an American Coot! Their red eyes are very striking.

 We did some sight-seeing around Superstition Mountain, which is one of my favorite places here.

 I found these fountains outside a furniture store and decided to take some pictures
 while my grandparents and my mom shopped.

 I did the same thing while they shopped at a plant nursery. :)

I got a few pictures of some cats that were wandering around the nursery and this is my favorite.
Goodbye Arizona! I hated to leave but I'll be back!